Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Blane!

Blane turned 4 February 25th ! His Birthday fell on a Monday this year-which is not too exciting. But it can be alright- especially for Blane he has a knack for extended his Birthday- if you ask my Mom I did too.
Nana & Papa Hendriksen came out on that Friday and we had a great weekend. Saturday we went to the Children's Museum and the Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch. Sunday was the day we choose to celebrate Blane's Birthday.
Sunday morning wasn't unlike most mornings at our house, as the boys were up by 5:45am and therefore by 7:00am Mark had made and frosted Blane's cake. I got fired from the Birthday cake gig after Bryce's Birthday. I am not even sure we took pictures of that catastrophe.
Nana Sue and Papa Larry came to Boulder that evening and we went to Chuck e Cheese's the boys had a blast, and as I write this it strikes me...Chuck e Cheese is a little like childbirth, I cant really remember how crazy it was.

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